Tools And Research
MSI Believes In Giving Back
We've developed a wide range of technical tools and processes over the last 25+ years. Some of the tools are commercial products, while much of our work has been released in a variety of open licenses back to the community. We've also shared our research, findings, threat data and body of knowlege with the security community at large. MSI has a proud tradition of community support and contribution and our work shows it.
You can find a great deal of our content and work outside our own site. For more information, search "Brent Huston" or "MicroSolved" in your favorite search engine.
Our work with the community includes a wide variety of speaking, teaching, pro-bono work with several not-for-profit organizations and support for credit unions in emerging economies, food banks here at home and life-saving technologies around the world. Our founder, Brent Huston, was even proudly honored by ISC2 with a Lifetime Community Service Award for these endeavors. We are proud to be a part of the infosec community and we look forward to serving it for decades to come.
Some Of Our Work

The DREAD Calculator
Have you ever wanted a quick and easy way to calculate the risk of a vulnerability or threat condition? Are you a user of Microsoft's DREAD process? Do you want a reliable, mathematical process for determining a score for a given vulnerability but lack the patience to do a full CVSS score?
If any or all of these are true, then check out this new free calculator tool for doing DREAD scores on the fly.
(Note: 32 Bit Binaries)

The InfoSec 80/20 Rule
MicroSolved has developed the 80/20 Rule for Information Security that proposes the concept that 80% of an organizations' real information security comes from only 20% of the assets and effort put into the program. These key high level security projects will give your organization the most effective information security coverage for the least expenditure of time and resources. You can learn more about the 80/20 rule through the links below:
Introduction Video, White Paper, List of Projects

MSI :: SimplePhish
A free tool that provides a simple, safe and effective mechanism for security teams and administrators to run their own phishing tests inside their organization. They simply install the application on a server or workstation and create a url email/sms/etc. campaign to entice users to visit the site. They can encode the URLs, mask them, or shorten them.

The Stolen Data Impact Model (SDIM)
MSI sponsored and led the SDIM project, ultimately releasing the work under a Creative Commons license. This project is focused on building a methodology and mechanisms to allow organizations to quickly identify the impacts of a loss of confidentially on their data. It provides an easy to use toolset for quickly analyzing, describing and socializing the impacts to the performance and bottom line of the company when data is compromised. You can find more information on the SDIM project page by clicking here.
how can we be of service?
We would LOVE to talk about our research, free tools or projects and learn more about the needs of your organization or how we might be able to help you.
Simply click the button below and complete the contact form and we will be in touch shortly to schedule a FREE, NO PRESSURE discussion. We can't wait to hear from you!